Image used with permission by copyright holder has been a little-known search alternative to Google since 2021, but it’s also been one of the early pioneers in implementing AI-generated text into its products. YouWrite lets AI write specific text for you, while YouChat is a more direct clone of ChatGPT. There are even features of for coding called YouCode and image generation called YouImagine. All of these programs are based on OpenAI’s GPT-3 models (except YouImagine, which uses Stable Diffusion). That means it’s fairly adept at generating creative text or answering complex questions. Unfortunately, that means it’s not quite as useful as ChatGPT, which is currently based on GPT-3.5.
YouChat also offers extra resources to continue research and links out to related topics, which is handy.
So while it might not be as impressive, if you’re looking for an alternative, it’s close to giving you the same experience as ChatGPT.
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Почему Google Bard может быть лучше, чем ChatGPT
ChatGPT был выпущен 30 ноября 2022 года после длительного периода разработки. Весь процесс разработки, включая настройку лежащей в его основе технологии, занял несколько лет. На первый взгляд, это означало бы, что у Google было меньше трех месяцев, чтобы создать продукт, способный конкурировать с ChatGPT, основанный на многолетнем технологическом развитии.
Однако в действительности все обстоит иначе. Google уже несколько лет вкладывает значительные средства в такие области искусственного интеллекта, как обработка естественного языка. Неожиданным образом, поскольку Google пытается конкурировать с ChatGPT, техническая архитектура, на которой работает ChatGPT, известная как архитектура Transformer, является детищем Google Research. Другими словами, Google сейчас пытается победить бизнес-угрозу, основанную в первую очередь на технологиях Google.
Явно ссылаясь на ChatGPT, Сундар Пичаи в своем блоге Bard Ad быстро расхвалил лидирующие позиции Google в создании модели Transformer. Он подчеркнул, что исследования Google являются «основой многих приложений генеративного ИИ», доступных в настоящее время.
Однако после его слов улики очевидны. Вот почему LaMDA, технология, на которой работает ИИ Bard, очень похожа на GPT-3, на которой работает ChatGPT. Так что нет, Google не новичок в гонке по созданию универсального чат-бота на основе искусственного интеллекта. Наоборот, компания годами создавала аналогичные, если не лучшие технологии, и может иметь огромное преимущество перед OpenAI с точки зрения того, кто в конечном итоге станет лучшим чат-ботом.
Но это еще не все. Google также имеет преимущество в том, что у него больше данных для извлечения. В области искусственного интеллекта, особенно когда речь идет об обучении разговорных моделей, таких как GPT-3 и LaMDA, чем больше данных, тем лучше результаты. Пока не совсем ясно, собирается ли Google включать данные или информацию непосредственно из Интернета в ответы Барда и если да, то каким образом. Однако, если это произойдет, это будет огромным преимуществом по сравнению с предварительно обученным подходом ChatGPT к ответам на подсказки.
Проще говоря, это будет означать, что Google Bard сможет предоставлять новые, свежие ответы, в то время как ChatGPT, к сожалению, будет ограничен информацией о событиях, а не после 2021 года (где текущее обучение данных в ChatGPT остановилось). Проверять Риски написания контента ИИ и как обнаружить текст, сгенерированный ИИ.
ChatGPT vs Google Bard: Is There a Winner?
We’ve covered ChatGPT and Google Bard’s unique features to make your life easier.
But let’s address the elephant in the room: ‘Is one better than the other?’
Read on to explore a few critical differences between ChatGPT and Google Bard and understand if there is a clear winner.
1. Generative capabilities
Bard doesn’t boast the same generative AI capabilities as ChatGPT.
Let’s see what these AI tools show when I write the prompt, ‘Write an essay on why we feel sad about Matthew Perry dying.’
First up, we have Bard’s response:
While Bard’s goal (at least at the moment) is to support Google search, it also writes creatively for you. The conclusive message on mental health towards the end is an excellent addition to the essay, which differs from the ChatGPT version.
ChatGPT, too, does a great job of delivering a high-quality essay that doesn’t stray off the path.
The verdict: It is a tie when it comes to evaluating the generative AI capabilities of both ChatGPT and Google Bard.
2. Training model
One of the key differences between Google Bard and ChatGPT is the type of Large Language Models (LLMs) they employ.
While Bard is on the PaLM 2 architecture, ChatGPT is on the Transformer architecture.
But what does this mean for a user like you and me?
ChatGPT’s research stems from feeding training data into the system. Naturally, the research quickly becomes dated.
Bard, in contrast, scours web pages in real-time, making the conversations more relevant to ensure more up-to-date information.
Our verdict: Bard has the upper hand for the latest information, given its training model.
3. Modify responses + Image uploads
Google Bard allows users to modify the response by the tool and offers many options for the same.
The AI chatbot also enables you to upload image attachments.
Both these features are not available on the free version of ChatGPT. However, ChatGPT allows you to give feedback on the response and regenerate it.
Our verdict: Both AI chatbots give users some options regarding making changes to the response quality. So, it would be a tie.
Что такое Google Apprentice Bard AI?
Внутри Google чат-бот с искусственным интеллектом под названием «Apprentice Bard» тестируется с ответами, сравнимыми с ответами ChatGPT. Google ChatBot построен на технологии LaMDA, точно так же, как ChatGPT OpenAI основан на серии языковых моделей GPT. В 2017 году Google Research разработала LaMDA, что означает «Языковая модель для диалоговых приложений». Верно, тот самый LaMDA, о котором беспокоился один гуглер.
Изображение создано с помощью Вомбо мечта ИИ
Утверждается, что Google попросил команду LaMDA сосредоточиться на том, чтобы остановить расширение ChatGPT. Сообщается, что Apprentice Bard от Google имеет визуальное сходство с ChatGPT. Вы можете задавать вопросы чат-боту и получать ответы или оставлять комментарии, используя тот же интерфейс.
Согласно заявленным наблюдениям CNBC, ответы бота содержат отсылки к текущим событиям, чего ChatGPT не может сделать, учитывая ограничения его базы знаний после 2021 года. Ученик Бард знает ответ на вопрос, будет ли Google проводить дополнительные мероприятия. раунды увольнений.
ChatGPT не сможет отвечать на вопросы после 2021 года
В том же отчете утверждается, что Google опробовал несколько различных вариантов своей главной страницы. В знак уважения к ChatGPT одна из главных страниц Google предлагает рекомендации по вопросам вместо кнопки «Мне повезет». На тестовой странице справа от поля поиска отображалась кнопка чата. Под строкой поиска появится серый пузырь с результатами поиска пользователя. На этот раз вместо ответов роботов вы получите ответы, более похожие на человеческие. Дальнейшее исследование поощряется включением списка предлагаемых пользователям вопросов, которые они могут задать себе сразу под основным набором результатов.
Говорят, что интеллектуальный чат-бот Google Мина был заменен учеником по имени Бард. Сотрудники Google утверждают, что точность ответов Барда в последнее время улучшилась.
Google усердно работает над включением в свои сервисы чат-бота с искусственным интеллектом, похожего на ChatGPT, хотя пока неясно, когда это произойдет. Несомненно, Google принимает меры, чтобы остановить распространение ChatGPT.
Согласно тому же источнику, в настоящее время разрабатываются различные версии домашней страницы Google. В знак уважения к ChatGPT на одной из главных страниц Google вместо кнопки «Мне повезет» рядом со строкой поиска есть варианты вопросов. На тестовой странице справа от поля поиска отображалась кнопка чата. Результаты поиска будут отображаться в сером пузыре под строкой поиска. На этот раз, вместо того, чтобы казаться роботизированными, результаты будут больше читаться как реальные люди, пишущие их. Дальнейшее исследование поощряется включением списка предлагаемых пользователям вопросов, которые они могут задать себе сразу под основным набором результатов. Неужели это все, что их отличает?
BARD offers several advantages over traditional search engines, making it a more effective and efficient search solution for users. By using advanced deep learning techniques to understand the context and meaning of search queries, B-A-R-D is able to provide users with more accurate and relevant results. In this section, we will explore some of the key advantages of this AI over traditional search engines.
A. Improved search accuracy:
Improved search results is a key benefit of integrating B-A-R-D into Google’s search engine. BARD’s deep learning algorithms enable it to understand the context and meaning of search queries, allowing Google to match users with the information they need more accurately and effectively. This results in a higher percentage of accurate search results, which means users will be able to find the information they need more quickly and easily.
For example, if a user searches for “best Italian restaurants in NYC”, BARD’s ability to understand the context of the query means that it can provide results that are specific to Italian restaurants in New York City, rather than just any Italian restaurants. This leads to a more relevant and focused search experience for the user, who will be able to find the information they need more easily.
Overall, the integration of B-A-R-D into Google’s search engine will result in a more accurate and effective search experience for users, as B-A-R-D’s advanced deep learning algorithms enable it to provide users with results that are more closely aligned with their expectations.
B. More relevant results:
BARD also provides users with more relevant results than traditional search engines. It’s deep learning algorithms allow it to understand the context and meaning of search queries, enabling it to provide users with results that are more relevant and focused.
For example, if a user searches for “best Italian restaurants in NYC”, it’s ability to understand the context of the query means that it can provide results that are specific to Italian restaurants in New York City, rather than just any Italian restaurants. This leads to a more relevant and focused search experience for the user, who will be able to find the information they need more easily.
Additionally, it’s algorithms also enable it to provide users with results that are tailored to their individual needs and preferences. This means that users will receive results that are more closely aligned with their expectations, resulting in a more personalized search experience.
C. Enhanced user experience:
By providing users with more relevant and accurate search results, B-A-R-D enhances the user experience by allowing users to find the information they need more easily and quickly.
Additionally, it’s advanced deep learning algorithms also enable it to provide users with a more personalized search experience. This means that users will receive results that are tailored to their individual needs and preferences, resulting in a more enjoyable and efficient search experience.
Moreover, the integration of B-A-R-D into Google’s search engine also means that users will benefit from the user-friendly interface and intuitive design that Google is known for. It’s advanced search capabilities are integrated seamlessly into the existing Google search engine, meaning that users will not have to learn a new interface or navigate a new search system.
What Is Google Bard?
Google Bard is a chatbot powered by Artificial Intelligence and neural network. It responds to the queries of the users in a conversational manner. However, as of now, Bard has been launched as an experimental conversational AI service by Google.
According to the claims made by Google, Bard uses freshly fetched online information to respond to queries from users. The answers delivered by Google Bard are reported to be of high quality and precise as compared to ChatGPT.
Furthermore, Sundar Pichai (CEO of Google) said that Google Bard relies on LaMDA, which requires less computing power. Hence it can serve more users and has the ability to improve with their feedback.
The problem with traditional search engines:
Basically, there are two problems with the traditional search engines, these are as followed-
The need for a more context-aware search engine: To address the limitations of keyword-based algorithms, there is a growing need for a more context-aware search engine. A context-aware search engine would better understand the meaning and intent behind a query, providing users with more accurate and relevant results. By analyzing the relationships between words in a query and in web pages, a context-aware search engine can provide users with a more effective and efficient search experience.This is where BARD AI comes in. By using advanced machine learning techniques to understand the context and meaning of search queries, this AI is able to provide users with a more accurate and relevant search experience. In the next section, we will explore how B-A-R-D works and the advantages it offers over traditional search engines.
Bard vs ChatGPT vs Claude: An In-depth Comparison
In this in-depth comparison, we highlight these AI assistants’ essential features, advantages, and limitations to help users make informed decisions. Join us as we explore their cost, token limits, web browsing capabilities, summarization prowess, and image recognition abilities.
1. Cost
Regarding cost, Bard and Claude emerge as budget-friendly options, as both are currently free. ChatGPT, on the other hand, offers a free version with limitations and a premium version (GPT-4) with more features at $20/month. Users seeking a balance between functionality and cost-effectiveness may find Claude and Bard attractive choices.
2. Token Limit
The token limit determines a language model’s ability to process text and provide comprehensive responses. ChatGPT 3.5 offers 4096 tokens (approximately 3,000 words), while GPT-4 improves this to 8192 tokens (about 6,000 words). By surpassing the competition, Claude provides an impressive token limit of 100,000 tokens (about 75,000 words). This advantage enables Claude to handle substantial amounts of text, making it the go-to option for processing large volumes of data.
3. Web Browsing Capability
Bard takes the lead in web browsing capability with its built-in feature, allowing users to explore the internet seamlessly. In contrast, ChatGPT 3.5 lacks web browsing entirely, and GPT-4 requires plugins for web browsing. Claude, like ChatGPT, does not have web browsing capability. For users seeking a language model that seamlessly integrates web browsing, Bard is the obvious choice.
4. Summarization
Language models’ summarization proficiency is essential for efficiently digesting large amounts of text. ChatGPT 3.5 demonstrates considerable proficiency in summarization, making it helpful for generating concise summaries. However, GPT-4 takes it further by handling over 25,000 words of text, which is ideal for summarizing extensive content. Claude, known for its accuracy and conciseness, excels in summarization tasks, offering accurate and insightful summaries.
5. Image Recognition
Users can leverage this feature to process and understand images efficiently. While GPT-4 allows it via plugins, the functionality might be limited and less accurate. Bard’s image recognition is also limited and a little inaccurate. ChatGPT 3.5 and Claude completely lack image recognition capabilities.
6. Data Analysis
All three AI assistants provide data analysis capabilities, enabling users to process and interpret textual data. ChatGPT and Claude offer this functionality through straightforward copy-and-paste text options. Similarly, GPT-4 supports data analysis tasks. Users relying on language models for data-driven tasks can choose any based on their preferences and needs.
7. Creativity
Regarding creativity, ChatGPT is the best performer among the three. Its ability to generate imaginative and engaging responses has been highly praised. GPT-4 follows closely as the second-best in terms of creativity. While not the most creative, Claude still manages to provide insightful responses to various queries.
8. Coding (Simple HTML/CSS)
For users seeking AI assistants to assist with coding tasks, all three models, Bard, ChatGPT, and Claude, offer support for coding in simple HTML/CSS. Whether creating a webpage or formatting text, these models can assist in generating code snippets to achieve desired results.
9. Accuracy
In terms of accuracy, Bard reigns supreme. Its responses are consistently reliable and accurate, making the language model a preferred choice for tasks that require precise information. ChatGPT 4 and Claude tie for second place, offering reliable responses but slightly lower accuracy than Bard. GPT-3.5 follows closely as the third most accurate model.
10. Availability
Bard and ChatGPT share the advantage of wide availability, accessible in 230 and 163 countries, respectively. However, Claude is limited to users in the US and UK only, which may be a disadvantage for individuals outside these regions. Bard’s accessibility in 230 countries makes it a favorable option for users worldwide.
You can watch the following video to learn more about Bard, ChatGPT and Claude 2:
What is Google’s Bard AI
Google’s Bard AI is an experimental, conversational AI chat service that aims to supercharge your imagination, boost productivity, and bring ideas to life. Launched by Google as a competitor to ChatGPT, Bard is designed to answer questions in a human-like way using up-to-date information from the internet source.
Key Features
- Conversational AI: Bard AI can engage in text-based conversations, providing relevant and natural-sounding responses.
- Access to up-to-date information: Bard is capable of searching the internet to find current information on a wide range of topics.
- Image capabilities: Google announced image capabilities for Bard at Google I/O 2023, further expanding its potential source.
- Coding features: Bard helps users on their coding tasks, assisting with problem-solving and providing suggestions.
- App integration: Bard can be integrated seamlessly with various applications, making it easier to access and use its features.
- Multilingual support: Google is working on expanding Bard’s language support, making it more accessible to users around the world source.
How It Works
Google’s Bard AI relies on complex algorithms and machine learning models to understand users’ queries and generate appropriate responses. By pulling information from the internet, Bard can quickly provide contextually relevant and up-to-date data to users source.
Users can interact with Bard either through a dedicated app or via its integration with third-party applications, making its conversational abilities widely accessible. Additionally, the AI’s language capabilities enable it to serve users in multiple languages, allowing for seamless global usage source.
What is ChatGPT?
Released on November 30, 2022, Chat GPT is a powerful AI chatbot based on machine learning and intelligently able to answer the queries of users in a dialogue through conversation. According to the CEO of OpenAI, Samuel Harris Altman, Chat GPT has crossed over 1 million users within the first five days of its emergence on the internet.
A cutting-edge AI language model created by OpenAI is called Chat GPT, which stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer”. It employs machine learning techniques to analyze a large quantity of text input and produce human-like responses to prompts.
It is built on transformer architecture. A number of applications, including chatbots, language translation, and text completion, have made use of Chat GPT, one of the most sophisticated language models now on the market.
Chat GPT is serving millions of users worldwide and the services include the following:
- Writing Codes
- Writing Product Descriptions
- Drafting Emails
- Summarizing podcasts, meetings, and more
- Formulating blog posts
- Explaining complex things in easy to understand way
- Translating the texts
- Creating jokes, memes, scripts poetry, and more
- Creating social media posts
Teachers and professors were concerned about their students’ learning criteria when ChatGPT was able to write convincing essays for them. To resolve this issue, OpenAI launched an “AI Text Classifier”, back in Jan. 2023.
Bard can retrieve images from the web; ChatGPT can generate AI images
Bard can surface relevant images from Google Search, which is a key feature that sets it apart from ChatGPT. Whether you’re researching specific dog breeds, images from the James Webb telescope, or even bicycle repairs, Bard can churn out specific images from other web pages for visual context.
You can also click on an image, and Bard will open the web page with the image source in a new browser tab.
While ChatGPT can’t retrieve images from the web, it can generate AI images using DALL·E 3. (Of course, this feature is limited to users with a paid subscription.) This means you can use ChatGPT to do things like generate blog images and create business logos. Or you can use it for what it was clearly intended to do: create museum-worthy images of a fluffy dog painting a vast array of galaxies.
Что такое чатбот с искусственным интеллектом?
Прежде чем погрузиться в более сложные вопросы, давайте начнем с основ. Что такое Чатбот c искусственным интеллектом? Чатботы с искусственным интеллектом – это компьютерные программы, которые были обучены вести беседу, похожую на человеческую. ИИ-чатбот может понимать письменный человеческий язык благодаря Обработке естественного языка (NLP), что позволяет им работать в значительной степени самостоятельно.
Говоря иначе, чатбот ИИ – это программное обеспечение, которое общается с человеком с помощью письменного языка. Чтобы отвечать на запросы потребителей без помощи людей, его часто встраивают в веб-страницы или другие цифровые приложения, предлагая экономичное и необременительное обслуживание клиентов. Хотя существует множество различных видов чат-ботов с искусственным интеллектом, chatGPT и Google Bard на сегодняшний день являются двумя наиболее известными. Поэтому давайте поговорим о них.
Recent Developments and Upgrades
Language models continue to evolve and improve, and Bard, ChatGPT, and Claude are no exceptions. Here are the recent developments and upgrades that have enhanced their performance:
Google Bard has been upgraded with internet connectivity, enabling users to access real-time data and information from across the web. This enhancement has expanded the model’s capabilities and made it more valuable for users seeking current and relevant information.
ChatGPT has seen significant upgrades with the release of GPT-4, offering additional features and functionalities. The premium version’s subscription cost allows users to access a more robust language model, making it an attractive option for those leveraging advanced capabilities.
Claude’s successor, launched by Anthropic, notably improves response length, nuanced reasoning, and standardized test performance. These advancements have strengthened Claude’s position as a reliable and high-performing language model.